Drawing and gaming are things I do a lot

Travis Riley @LeTravino

Age 34, Male

Wingstop Cashier

Riverside City College

Riverside, CA

Joined on 6/25/10

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270 / 280
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> 100,000
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LeTravino's News

Posted by LeTravino - May 27th, 2013

Yup, while I'm in the middle fo about 4 different toons, I decided to get wasted and make a new cartoon while I was wasted, and this is the result.

I was making weird noises and my cat was just.. starting at me. So, I animated it, and there you have wibbitywopwipwhatthefuckever

So.. vote for it, I guess? If not, well, it's on YouTube so hey. There's that.

Vote for it and stuff?

Posted by LeTravino - May 10th, 2013

My bad, guys!

So, two days ago, I started doing some commissions, with the theme of people wearing Pokemon Pajamas, and it's been a bigger hit than I could have imagined. So, I've been overly focused on that. However, the script for my next toon is finally complete, and I'm about to go record it, so, wish me luck! I've discovered that the mic that came with my iPhone's headphones sound better than my laptop, so, I'm gonna try using those.

Wish me luck!

Posted by LeTravino - April 25th, 2013

Sorry that my weekly update has been a little late. I've been in kind of a bit of a frump lately with being creative.

Ever since I lost the audio for In the Life of Belmont, I've tried re-recording it and re-writing the script, because I just can't seem to be happy with it. Not necessarily how the recording comes along, but more like how it's written. I love the joke and set-up to death, but I can't seem tog et it to how I want it. So, for the time being, I'm postponing it indefinitely.

However, I did come up with another Castlevania parody that just.. I don't know. It just materialized in my head, dialogue and all, the jokes are completely different, and I ran it by my girlfriend and she laughed her ass off, whereas the idea for In the Life of Belmont kind of just fell flat with her and a few others. I think the first parody will require a lot more of a story, so I want to dedicate a lot more time to really fleshing it out and writing it, whereas this new idea I have just hits you, and it's great, I think.

Anyways, it's been a few days since I've even opened Flash or Photoshop, because.. well, this past week has been quite busy. My girlfriend's birthday came around, and my dad wound up in the hospital with a staph infection in his hand. Not only that, but I just got promoted at work, which will be really neat financially, but time-wise, it's gonna really hurt my already fairly limited animating and drawing time. I mean, once school's out for summer, I'll have tons of time and I'll probably have a surge of uploaded content around then.

As of right now, I have two very crudely drawn rough drafts for two cartoons, a script for a new one, and about five or six ideas floating around.

Also, I'm coming close to arranging some prices and whatnot for commissions, so, I'll be hopefully posting a ling to do some commissions pretty soon for a little extra scratch. Hopefully I can get some people interested in my art and maybe I can go from there. I will say this - I will also be willing to go animated GIFs, and X-Rated art [for extra, of course]

So there's that.

Thanks for being patient. I'm nowhere near close to being able to meet my usual end-of-the-month goal, but hopefully it won't be too terribly long. I always wish I was able to just dedicate all of my time to animating rather than work or school.


Anyways, to hold you off, here's a picture of a guy with a very large penis my girlfriend jokingly urged me to draw the other night.

Art Trading and Commissions; Scrapped and New Ideas! [NSFW DRAWING INCLUDED AT BOTTOM]

Posted by LeTravino - April 15th, 2013

After an incredible weekend of relaxation with my lady, I feel better than ever, and ready to tackle some more projects! I've got some new cartoons and drawings in mind, so scripts will be coming around soon. I'm still hoping to try to recover my original Belmont audio, but, if not, then I'll get around to re-recording it soon. I have a great idea for a cartoon that I can't wait to do, and it's gonna require very little on the recording aspect.

It's also boosted my ego that my videos have seen a pretty substantial increase in views both here and on YouTube for whatever reason, with my most recent video gaining 3,000 views over the weekend, which, in turn, helped my others gain some more views as well. It's exciting stuff!

I'm also planning on starting to hunt for commissioned work, as I'm in a pretty tight need for money. So, if anyone would like any work done for them, be it get involved in an animation or just some standalone artwork [E-A rating, it doesn't matter to me], then feel free to send me a message! I'll be scouting the forums for work, and ways to decide how to price my work as well. Any advice is very much welcomed.

So that's about it! Expect some new work int he coming weeks, and hopefully it comes out as well as I envision it to!

As always, take care of yourselves! I'm always open to your ideas and suggestions!

Posted by LeTravino - April 12th, 2013

So, although my Game Grumps Animated didn't really take off here, it's gotten over 1,000 views on YouTube since I released it, which is pretty dang neat, dude.

A lot of my friends saw it and really complimented it, and a lot of my family members did the same, all saying it was my best work yet. I watched my first animation, also a GGA, and the difference is incredible, especially seeing that the first one took two days longer, without any time constraints.

Naturally, I decided to get to work on my next short, In the Life of Belmont, immediately. I went to mix the audio and.. bam.

Half of it managed to get corrupted. I'm not sure how, but, it did, so I have massive chunks of silence where audio should be, and separate clips were simply nowhere to be found. It's a bit disheartening, but, you know.. these things happen. I've pulled through worse [spilling coffee on a pen and ink drawing that took 8 hours, for example - I'll never drink near my work again], and hopefully it'll come out even better than it did before. I am working on trying to recover it, but, I doubt it'll work, sadly.

Alas, this weekend should be celebrated. I'm celebrating my seventh anniversary with my lovely girlfriend, away for a few nights in a hotel in Newport beach, which will be fantastic. I've been busting my ass doing all of these things lately, so a couple days of nothing but relaxing and not worrying about work, homework, tests, recording, and animation, it'll be pretty nice.

Once I get back, I should be refreshed and ready to continue tackling my world.

Take care of yourselves, guys!

Posted by LeTravino - April 6th, 2013

Go give it a fair vote, and tell me what you all think!

I practiced a few neat techniques to not only come out with something better, but also to animate faster. Despite massive time crunches and only being able to work maybe 3 or 4 hours in a day, at the very best, I still got this bad boy done in eight days, and I'm quite proud of that fact.

There's also an easter egg, but that's all in the description. I learned how, neat!

Businessman Death is live!

Posted by LeTravino - April 4th, 2013

Most of the work on my next release is done! I have a few backgrounds to add in, and some specific things to add to the YouTube version as well as the Newgrounds version.

I've been hard at work at both this next release, Game Grumps Animated - Businessman Death, as well as my next original piece, Inside the Life of a Belmont, and doing this animated Grumpisode has actually taught me a few neat tricks that I can further practice in ItLB, and hopefully I can make it even better. There's still quite a long time before I can even think about a release date for ItLB, and for good reason.

I'm actually miserably failing my History class, and, frankly, I need to kinda knuckle down more. Not that I'm not studying, but, I need to do so more strictly. To be quite honest, I've been looking into alternate schooling and I hope to speak with a counselor soon about it, because I sincerely want to make animation my life's work in some way, shape, or form. I'm honestly just a terrible student, anyways. Always have been.

Anyways, aside from that, I've also been jotting ideas down as I get them, whenever I can. The more ideas I have going around, the better, so I can keep myself trucking on consistently! I've also been working on a few new drawings I'm gonna finish up upon GGA: BD's release, including an interesting amalgamation I drew up in 5 minutes, but plan to shop to perfection, and another drawing.. I might have mentioned it before, but, I dunno. It's a movie poster for a pal of mine in the UK, who's working on a student film project. I've done the sketchwork on it, but I haven't given it the attention it deserves yet.

In worse news, I've also been kind of ill lately, slowing me down quite a bit. Nothing major, probably just a short bout of a cold or flu or something, nothing I can't handle, nothing worth really complaining about.

Take care of yourselves as always.. I know I am. Where's my hot tea at..?

GGA - Businessman Death

Posted by LeTravino - March 26th, 2013


I'm done writing. I'm done scripting. I'm done recording. And in the process? I've got material for three separate projects.

First of all, I'd like to make official mention - my next cartoon is a Castlevania parody. It's gonna be a short mockumentary on the life of Simon Belmont on his quest to defeat Dracula, and there's a neat twist that I'm not even gonna come CLOSE to hinting to. That's all you get. I believe it's gonna run at about 2 and a half minutes, so, we'll have to wait and see. It's gonna be my most intricate project, with me learning tricks for fluid animation [not to mention 'studying' much higher quality works - I can't tell you how many times I've watched each episode from DonkeysBazooka's series, Villainy], so it's.. gonna take a long time to animate.

Secondly, there was a scrapped idea that I just couldn't fit in to the main video, so there's going to be a small short derived from that. Imagine like this being released to DVD, with bonus features. This short's gonna be that bonus feature. Just something I couldn't fit in to the main story, but I really want to animate.

Thirdly, I admit, I am succumbing to another Game Grumps animation. Partially because it's from an episode of Jon's Castlevania 3 playthrough and goes with my Castlevania theme, and partially because it'll take just a couple days to animate [I already have the audio ready to go], and it's just a little idea I liked, and it made me laugh.However, I am hesitant to post it to Newgrounds. Far as I can tell, there's not a lot of love for the Grumps around here. I really do look up to them a lot, so I like to honor it with things like that, but.. I dunno. We'll see, I guess.

Anyways, lastly, I have my first commissioned piece, and I'll post it as I finish it up. It's for an online buddy who's working on a movie project, I believe for a theatre class or something, and he asked me to make a simple poster for it. It's a neat idea, so, I'm jumping on that pretty soon!

Things are still going slowly on any grounds, but as some big tests I've had coming in my classes are finally over, I have a little free time to devote to my art, and I'm gonna make sure I don't waste it.

I also promised a little bit of concept art my previous post, so - here's Simon Belmont. I was going to go with a similar character design to ketchup Pump, but ultimately decided I can do better. So, the left is the original, but the right is the more current version, though I have made a few small changes. I'll throw a current concept drawing up when I finish it on Photoshop!

Take care of yourselves, as always! I'll be around soon with new material!

Suddenly, 4 projects!

Posted by LeTravino - March 21st, 2013

I just updated my Links [right under my user stats] so that it includes my Twitter and Tumblr. I update those on the regular, so.. yeah, there's that, if you care at all! I also threw in my new Skype, so I can finally maybe set up some collaborations in the future.

As for the cartoon...

I've scrapped my most recent script and I've been rewriting it. There were some characters that honestly just took away from the jokes, and scrapping them completely has proven to be not only easier, but funnier. It means I'm gonna have to record again, but, I did get some really neat advice from Ross "RubberNinja" that'll prove wicked useful, and should turn out to be much easier to upload into Flash.

I always feel kind of weird and shy talking to the more esteemed people in the field, but, I really do look up to them, and I greatly appreciate their replies and advice, and certainly do hope for their friendship one day. I kind of sound like a typical fanboy, but, heroes are heroes, no matter what way you slice it.

Anyhoo, I've also gone through a minimum of 10 character redesigns for the main character, both physical- and personality-wise, but I think I have what I need now.

Progress is going so slow, I can barely stand it. Between scrapping the script multiple times, work obligations, exams.. it's all just kind of attacking me at once. I knew animating during the semester would be tough, but, I didn't think it'd be this crazy. But, I'm still chugging along, uphill, slow and steady.

So, as always, take care of yourselves!

Thank you guys for your inspiring words, urging me not to drive myself insane doing this, and to take things slowly. It might not come out on a regular schedule like I'd hoped, but I'd rather give my best than rush and get a bad rap for doing shoddy work because I wanted it done too quickly.

Posted by LeTravino - March 16th, 2013

Welp, I've gotten the recording done for my next short. After plugging it all in in Flash, I'll start doing the rough sketchwork and storyboarding. I'll be taking my sketchpad with me to work today, so I'll get some ideas down on paper. The whole process took a lot longer than I thought, but it is rolling slowly but surely!

It wasn't much, but, that's what's going on. I have an unusual work schedule that has two potential free days off. It's too bad, though.. tests in school are coming up as well, and I may just have to use those days for studying, which is a total bummer.

I swear, once I finally get a car, I'm gonna get a custom license place thinger that says 'I'd rather be animating'

Take care of yourselves, guys!

Hopefully soon I'll have some concept art. Until then, I'm still not quite gonna say what my next short is about. Hopefully, though, you gamer kids out there will like it.